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Чернівецька гімназія №5 Інтеграл
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English is the language which came from nowhere to conquer the world (by the Unknown).

English Week at school is a harvesting time for teachers. Time to share the experience and learn something new from the colleagues. Time for our students to show their talents and demonstrate their achievements in learning English. This week has become a good example of the collaboration between teachers and learners. The teachers traditionally presented a series of demonstrative lessons.

Lesson “Our School”. Form 3B. Teacher: Oksana Bodnar.

Oksana Bodnar is a young but quite a qualified and competent teacher. Her lessons are always interesting and productive. This time she conducted the lesson “Our School” with her 3B form students. You really had no time to get bored here. Different kinds of activities were constantly changing one after another. The smart board, used by the teacher, helped her to make every stage of the lesson more and more interesting. The children played the game “Guess the Word”, and in this way they revised the vocabulary. Then they had an unusual dictation – dictation in pictures. New grammar was learned from the textbooks. After that pupils had some grammar practice in their workbooks improving their writing skills. The atmosphere at the lesson was creative and joyful.

Lesson “Sport. Healthy Lifestyle”. Form 7B. Teacher: Yuliia Unhurian.

Most of people know the proverb “A sound mind in a sound body”. It means that a man can be in a good health only if he has a healthy lifestyle, the main point of which is going in for sports. The students of the 7B form have found a variety of ways how to keep fit and stay healthy and strong at the lesson “SPORT. HEALTHY LIFESTYLE”. The teacher used a Power Point Presentation, which helped the students to brush up the lexical material on the topic and learn new useful expressions. They played a lexical game “Go/Play/Do” and learned new grammar (The Present Perfect Continuous Tense) with a great interest. The students tried to do their best and proved that they are a good team!

Lesson “Favourite Fairy-Tales”. Form 5A. Teacher: Olena Bila.

Fairy-tales help young learners to know English better and make the process of learning easier. The students and their teacher proved that at the lesson . It was an unusual lesson – a travelling to the Fairy Land. At the beginning, the pupils revised what fairy-tales they know and which titles of the books and the names of the main characters they remember. Then the children watched an animated cartoon “The Three Bears” and read the story in roles. The teacher created a fantastic atmosphere, which helped the children to memorize the new words and learn grammar (The Past Simple Tense) quite easily. A variety of activities and tasks in the form of the game was impressive!

Lesson “Food. Lunchtime”. Form 1A. Teacher: Vita Shevchuk.

They are so small but so cute! The lesson, created by Vita Shevchuk, demonstrated that the young learners from 1A form know a lot about food. To make the lesson effective the teacher used all the possibilities of multi-media equipment. So the pupils improved the pronunciation of English sounds, memorized the new words and learned how to express their likes and dislikes about food. They played games and sang songs. They drew a pizza and did some creative tasks in their workbooks. You could see with your own eyes: these kids love learning English greatly!

Lesson “Poppy Copy”. Form 5C. Teacher: Yulia Dymuriak.

If you love fairy-tales, be sure, they will become your teachers and friends forever. Fairy-tales teach us what is good and what is bad, how to be clever and wise, what to do in different situations. The students of the 5C form travelled around the strange country – Copyland – together with the main character of the story, a small girl, Poppy Copy. The travelling was not easy, as the children had to learn new words and understand new grammar (The Past Simple Tense, regular and irregular verbs, past form of the verb “to be”). The teacher helped her young learners to overcome all the difficulties and obstacles on their way. So the story had a happy end.

Out-of-Class-Event “The Goal and Motivations for Gaining It”. Forms 7A, 7B. Teacher: Olena Bila.

Preparing this event the teacher aimed to unite the students of the forms 7A and 7B around the idea how to achieve success in life. An absorbing video presented by the teacher and project works created and demonstrated by the children showed the way how to build up self-confidence and feel comfortable in different life situations.

Knowing the history, customs and traditions of English-speaking countries helps to understand the language better. That is why our teachers of English tried to complete every lesson during the week with interesting materials giving their students the information about Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia and other countries, where people speak English. With great excitement the children participated in the quizzes like “How much do you know about Great Britain?” They also watched videos “Travelling Around English-Speaking Countries”.

Our children are hardworking and creative. They are fond of doing different things with their own hands. The most popular activities are: making projects and drawing posters on the topics they are learning. This time we’ve collected a large gallery of students’ works ( forms 1-9 ) and called it “WE LOVE ENGLISH”.

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